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Special Events / worship to note in your calendar
Saturday October 26
6pm: A short service to mark the beginning of 10 Days of Prayer before the Election
Sunday October 27 - HARVEST FESTIVAL
8am: Said Eucharist, Rite I
9.15am Potluck Breakfast
10.30am: Harvest Eucharist
Funds raised for Harvest Day will go to support the Rector's Discretionary Fund
Sunday November 3 - All Saints' / All Souls' Sunday (1st Sunday in Kingdom Season)
8am: Said Eucharist, Rite I
10.30am: Informal Eucharist for All Saints'
There will be an opportunity to have the names of departed loved ones shared in the liturgy (submit names at the service, using cards provided)
6:30pm: All Souls' Memorial Service
A special service specifically for the remembrance of the faithful departed, at which the names of the departed will be read aloud.
Please add names to the list at the back of church, or let Caitlin in the Church Office know.
No Compline
(Evening Prayer)
Monday November 4
7pm: Pray Your Part (short service in church)
Prayer before the Presidential Election
Sunday November 10 - Second Sunday in Kingdom Season
8am: Said Eucharist, Rite I
10:30am: Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Sunday November 17 - Third Sunday in Kingdom Season
8am: Said Eucharist, Rite I
10:30am: Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Sunday November 24 - Feast of Christ the King (4th Sunday in Kingdom Season)
8am: Said Eucharist
10:30am: Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Sunday December 1 - ADVENT SUNDAY
8am: Said Eucharist, Rite I
10:30am: Special Eucharist for Advent Sunday, Rite II
(no Breakfast Church today)
11.45am ANNUAL MEETING (in Fellowship Hall)
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