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In the Episcopal / Anglican Church, we believe that the way we worship and pray

together helps to reflect who we are. We therefore take seriously the need for our

worship to be ‘in common’: in other words, our worship needs to reflect the

common features of our identity as Anglican Christians. The Episcopal Church's 

Book of Common Prayer (1979), and other Anglican liturgical resources, help us

with that task.


Worship is at the heart of who we are and what we do.

Sometimes in the Episcopal Church we say that our Sunday worship is the

springboard for life. In other words, our Sunday worship is not intended to be a

segregated part of our week or isolated part of our being but something that is

integrated into our week and incorporated into our being. It is a gift that teaches

us how to live all the time.


The word "liturgy" comes from the Greek, meaning "the work of the people,"

which refers to the participation, of everyone who gathers together for worship. 

When we pray together through the liturgy we are participating in an ancient

and never-ceasing stream of worship, over two thousand years old for Christians, based on Jewish liturgies even older than that.


When we pray together we are joining the voices of others in the room but also all around the world, today and beyond time. We join all the saints in ages past. Our prayers point to a deep connection to the living and the dead through God. These common prayers have withstood the test of time. What a joy and privilege to enter this mystery that points us to God.


We welcome visitors to Emmanuel and are delighted to have folks who are new to Emmanuel come through the door! Ushers will be there to greet you on Sunday mornings and they can help you get acclimated to our service. We enjoy children being in church during the service and also offer a nursery for younger children when parents choose to use it. While Sunday morning worship is at the center of our identity as Episcopalians, there are many other offerings throughout the week and year that may capture your attention and interest. We encourage you to talk to members or make an appointment with the rector, who is the priest/pastor, to learn more about our faith community.
​Sunday @ 8am
This is a Rite I Said Eucharist (with no musical setting or hymns), using traditional language. It is a more quiet and reflective liturgy.
​Sunday @ 10.30am

This is a Rite II Eucharist with music.  The tone is much more celebratory and uses the full liturgical resources as we mark the seasons and festivals across the Church year. 

After the Service
​There is a time for Coffee 'n' Cookies after worship. This is a more informal time for us to catch up with one another, hear our stories and share experiences and enjoy one another's company.

Becoming a Member of Emmanuel really is quite easy. Speak to the rector and he can

help you get acclimated. You may enjoy almost all the benefits of life at Emmanuel just by

showing up. You can add your name to the church directory and to the weekly email list.

If and when you are ready to become an official member you are welcome to either have

your membership transferred if you are already a member of another Episcopal Church,

or you may be confirmed or received by the bishop of our Diocese of Southwestern

Virginia when he next makes a visitation to Emmanuel. Being an official member opens

the possibilities for involvement a little wider, which includes being a Vestry member and

a Eucharistic Minister.

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