Giving to support the Mission and Ministry of Emmanuel
Our work at Emmanuel Episcopal Church is made possible by people who make an annual commitment to sustain the church with financial support throughout the year. One-time gifts are important and always welcome, but the Vestry uses annual pledge information to plan our ministries in any given year. This helps us to budget for the year ahead.
Thank you for your generous support. We can't BE the church without YOUR help.
Here's how to support us:
Giving to support the mission and ministry of Emmanuel couldn't be easier!
Make a general support DONATION through our online system (click the image)
Make a yearly PLEDGE (payable weekly / monthly / annually
(this helps us to budget and plan ahead)
Please collect, complete and return a Pledge Card via the Church Office
or click the 'my pledge' image.
You can also give via text message:
Simply text EECS$
followed by the amount of dollars you wish to give, to 73256
For example:
To give $20 simply send EECS$20 to 73256.
Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies.
Text HELP to 73256 for help. Text STOP to 73256 to cancel.
You can also give to the Memorial Fund (click the image to give)
Contributions to this fund are given in memory of particular individuals.
The Memorial Fund is intended to be used for capital improvements,
renovation, and beautification of the church
and not for daily operation expenses.
Money is disbursed by vote of the vestry.
In so doing, the Vestry will take into account any requests
for specific use of the gift by the contributor, or the family person memorialized.
(From the Memorial Fund Policy)
How much should I give?
This is essentially a conversation between you and God!
Episcopalians have long worked towards the ideal of a tithe (10%) of income.
Whether this means before or after tax is a personal matter and each person will need to make a decision based on particular circumstances.
Below is a helpful chart setting out a range of proportionate giving:
As an example:
If there were 80 individuals/households pledging to support the Mission and Ministry of Emmanuel Episcopal Church,
each giving $260 per month, this would provide a starting planned income of $249,600
This would be enough to allow us to operate without a deficit budget and to support and grow our many ministries.
We are aware than many people generously support Emmanuel to a much greater level than this
- and we are truly blessed by that.
BUT we also realise that many people cannot afford to give at that level.
At the moment we have 72 pledging individuals, yielding $224,846
(we will keep this figure updated)
- that's an average monthly pledge of around $260
If you are not currently pledging, would you consider doing so?
Thank you.