Diocesan Convention
Diocesan Convention (formerly known as 'Council'), is made up of elected lay delegates from parishes, and canonically resident and licensed clergy. Convention elects the bishop of the diocese when in an Episcopal vacancy; it also elects the officers of the Convention and certain committees and commissions; sets the programs and policies of the diocese; adopts a budget for funding program and administration; sets assessments for funding the budget; and approves the admission of parishes or mission congregations to the diocese.
Convention happens each year, in late January. It meets in Roanoke across 3 days (usually concluding on a Sunday). It is a time of meaningful gathering for the whole diocese. Guests are also welcome to attend (but only elected representatives are entitled to vote).
Convention delegate's are also expected to attend a Mission Day in the Fall as well as any other occasional meetings within the diocese. Delegates usually provide feedback to the Vestry and Congregation following each meeting. They are an important link to the wider Diocese and the wider Church.
Our delegates to Convention (until March 2024) are:
Nicole Rutan and Ralph Steger
The Alternates are:
Matthew Poteat and Katherine Turner