Annual Events
We are a busy church, and we try to make sure our year is filled with a wide range of opportunities for fellowship, formation, and fun!
In 2024
Golden Ladle Soup Competition (in Jan, Feb or March)
- a youth and young people organized annual soup competition. Members enter their delicious soups and stews to win the coveted Golden Ladle award!
Shrove Sunday
- on the Sunday before Shrove Tuesday (the start of Lent) we share a pancake breakfast feast ahead of the 10.30am Eucharist
Lenten Program
- usually including the Rector's Lenten Study, Lenten frugal meals and fellowship, Palm Sunday worship in Staunton, all culminating in an Easter Day celebration
Fish Fry - April 13, 5pm - 7.30pm
- a special event to share good food and fellowship.
Youth Sunday - May 12
- on Mothers' Day (Mothering Sunday) in May our children, youth and young people lead our worship. They act as welcomers, lectors, intercessor, Eucharistic Assistants and preacher!
Second Sunday Soup - June 9
- happens most second Sundays of the month: members bring a soup to share; money raised goes towards our Mission & Outreach budget
Picnic Worship
- usually late Summer or early fall, there is a shared outdoor Eucharistic picnic, often involving our ecumenical partners.
It is held at Montgomery Hall Park
Pledge Renewal Season
- a time to give thanks for the generous financial support Emmanuel receives and to encourage people to start preparing to make their pledge for 2025
Haiti Pig Roast (Sept 21 2024)
- a wonderful occasion through which we raise funds for the Virginia Haiti Collaborative
Harvest Day
- this idea began in 1994 as a day to share our gratitude for the many good gifts and blessings God bestows on us. In our thanksgiving we open our hearts and hands in generosity in response to God's generosity as we seek to support those in need across our community. Money raised on Harvest Day is held in the Rector's Discretionary Fund to which local people in need make application for support with utility bills, housing costs and other emergency needs
All Souls' and All Saints
- a time of year when we remember our departed loved ones as well as the 'big names' of our faith tradition
Holiday Bazaar - Dec 8
- a chance to get your creative skills to work, making a whole host of goodies to sell at this annual festive sale to raise funds to support our Mission and Outreach work
Blue Christmas Service (December 21st)
- a special liturgy to remember those for whom Christmas is a challenging time, living with grief and loss